Materials: empty toilet paper rolls, fat such as Crisco, sunflower seed or nut butter, plastic knives, birdseed, trays, scissors, string, pencils, crayons or markers, copies of the skill sheet
Overview: After reading about helping moose, kids help birds by making bird feeders.
- A week before the lesson: Have kids bring in empty toilet paper rolls. Check for nut allergies; procure nut-free fat if needed.
- Just before the lesson: Cut 2-ft. lengths of string (one per child). Set up work stations with TP rolls, bowls of nut butter or alternative, plastic knives, trays of birdseed.
- Gather kids. Remind them that they read about ways to help moose. Tell them they will now help birds by making bird feeders!
- Send kids to the work stations. Have them mark their initials inside the TP roll. Then they can use knives to spread the fat on the roll in a thick layer (so the seeds stick).
- Next, roll the TP rolls in the birdseed. Then loop string through each. Tie ends together.
- Hang the feeders outside. Record results on the skill sheet.